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Weekly School Update 12/5/2024

Happy Thursday!  


Recently, our eighth graders competed in the Patriot's Pen essay competition sponsored by VFW 1238 of Bellevue.  This year's theme was "My Voice in America's Democracy."  Kenzie McElwain and Wyatt Shumway were chosen as the winners for our school.  Wyatt also earned second place in the competition overall. Congratulations to both of these students and our ELA teacher, Lori Koechley, for using their God-given talents!


Yesterday, our seventh and eighth graders spent the day in retreat with the NET Ministry Team. We are blessed that our students are able to enjoy these types of activities to grow closer to God, especially during this Advent season.


Tomorrow our Student Council is sponsoring a Dress Down Day to raise money for area families affected by cancer.  Please see the attached flyer for more details.


Please be sure to ask your child about the half-sheet green paper that was sent home on Tuesday!


The PTO is sponsoring its annual Santa Shop.  Students will be shopping with their class during the week.  The Shop is also open daily before school at 7am.  This is a fun way for the kids to be able to buy small surprises for family members!


Hot lunch is available daily in our cafeteria.  Next week's menu is chicken sandwich on Monday, walking taco on Tuesday, French toast on Wednesday, hamburger on Thursday, and penne pasta on Friday.





Our Annual Christmas Program for grades k-8 is scheduled for Thursday, December 19.    This is a mandatory performance for grades k-5, as well as for band students in 6-8.  The preschool program is scheduled for Friday morning, December 20, at 10 am.


Our students were all given their Calendar Raffle packets last week.  We are asking all students to sell at least ten tickets each.  Our first school-wide incentive is 400 tickets for a Hat Day!  Each ticket sold will be in a weekly drawing for the seller to win a Wendy's lunch.  And, for every ten tickets a family sells, the family will be entered into a drawing to win registration fees for the 2025-2026 school year!  This is a great thing to sell to family members over the holidays--for $10, they will have a chance to win 28 baskets (remember, all winning tickets are thrown back in after being drawn!).  More information is on the attached flyer.


Please see the attached flyer for the Chemo Care Package Campaign.  Student Council is sponsoring this charity drive this year.


We also have a Toys for Tots bin in the school and parish offices. 


Breakfast is available daily for all of our students from 7:00-7:30am for $1 which includes milk.


Please be sure to go in to Option C to check your balance and do your best to keep the total below $50 at all times.  You are welcome to send a check or cash into the school in an envelope labeled with your child's name and Option C.


  • Upcoming Dates

    • December 9--School Mass (Monday) for Feast of the Immaculate Conception

    • December 9-13--Santa Shop

    • December 19--Christmas program 1pm and 6pm

    • December 20--Preschool Christmas program 10am

    • December 20--end of second quarter

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