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Confraternity of Christian Doctrine


  “Let the little children come to me, and do not stop them; for it is to such as these that the kingdom of God belongs. Truly I tell you, whoever does not receive the kingdom of God as a little child will never enter it.”  (Luke 18: 16-17)


   The Confraternity of Christian Doctrine (CCD) is part of the Church's educational outreach for those students who do not attend Catholic Schools, providing catechesis (instruction), formation, and sacramental preparation to children in grades K-8.


   While parents are the primary religious educators of their children, CCD seeks to support parents in the important endeavor of raising their children in the moral life and the Tradition of the Catholic Faith. Our Catechists (religious education teachers) are faithful parishioners who have responded to God’s call to support the religious education of our children. Through weekly lessons, activities, and prayer, we seek to help our children to know, love, and serve God.


Now Registering CCD for 2024-2025!

Please contact Deacon Jim Tokarsky ( or click below to register for the upcoming CCD program!  Initial registration will be done online via Google Forms.




   Some changes to the program have been made this year!


  • CCD sessions will be held on Sunday mornings 9:10 - 10:15 AM.  This will allow our families to attend Mass beforehand at 8:00 AM or after at 10:30 AM!

  • We will be offering "Evenings with Jesus" every 3rd Wednesday of the month.  The Church will be open for our families to come together for Eucharistic Adoration and prayer from 6:30 - 7:30 PM.  What an opportunity to spend time with our Lord!  Many of the evenings will offer opportunities for Confession also.

  • CCD will be financed through free-will offerings, as charging fees is not a good method of stewardship.  We would suggest that each family should consider donating $75.00 per student or $125.00 per family.  As an offering, this will be included towards your total gift to our parish!



       Please click on the CCD Postcards button bellow to view this year's schedule!


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